MAA Youth Choir 青少年合唱團 2nd Term 02May - 04Jul 2021

1. To stimulate children’s music potential, enhance their balance between intelligent and emotion and rich their life.
2. To cultivate children’s discipline and habit of obedience.
3. through choir singing to build up their collective honor, team work and confidence.
4. To promote their musicality to benefit their learning of other instruments.
Course Aim:
1. Through vocalize, sight singing, music appreciation and 2/3 parts choir practice to build up choir singing ability , learn more bilingual songs.
2. Through 2/3 parts choir practice to learn the aesthetics of acoustic balance
3. Through singing songs of various cultural to enhance children’s intellectual
4. Attending competition and annual concert to share beauty of music to reach self development and self affirmation
Audition [Apply to new students only]:
5-14 years old. The audition will consist of a song of your choice, a vocal range test, an aural recall test and sight-singing. Audition: School Hall, Cornwall Park Primary School (193 Green Lane West, Greenlane, Auckland 1051)。Enter from Gate next to 84 Whetaurangi Road, Greenlane.
Audition Date: 25 / 4 /2021 4:30 pm
Rehearsal time: Every Sunday 5: 6pm (no rehearsal during school break)
Teachers: Dr. Marie Lin (will invite guest teacher when needed)
Tuition Fee: $200/ per term [2nd Term for 10 weeks] Pay for venue hire, miscellaneous expenses, teachers and music scores, etc.
Contact for all registration information
Phone: 0800 588 118 Email:

激發孩童的音樂潛能,促進其智力及情感的平衡,豐富其精神生活。培養孩童高度的紀律性及遵守規則的習慣。 藉合唱時共同創造的集體榮譽感,培養團員相互合作的能力,並增強自信心。藉歌唱訓練提升孩童音樂素養並有助其它樂器的學習。
甄試方式 [只限新学員]:
甄試地點:School Hall, Cornwall Park Primary School (193 Green Lane West, Greenlane, Auckland 1051)。Enter from Gate next to 84 Whetaurangi Road, Greenlane.
團費:每學期 200元 [10課],支付場地租用費、團務雜支、師資及樂譜等費用。
報名電郵 查詢電話:0800 588 118